Garrett has placed big features into the Garrett ACE 300i Metal Detector with Digital Target ID, better detection abilities, a new audio system, and more – for a price that can’t be beaten.
Digital Target ID: 0 to 99 scale offers target information
18 x 25cm (7″ x 10″) PROformance submersible searchcoil offers more coverage, depth
Higher frequency (8 kHz) provides better sensitivity on low and medium-conductivity targets (i.e. gold, lead)
Increased Iron Resolution: 3x the iron resolution of an ACE 250, to help overcome target masking in iron-laden hunt sites
Adjustable Frequency to help eliminate interference
Camlocks for increased stem stability
Includes Pulse-Width Modulation audio: sharper, more responsive audio
Includes Electronic Pinpointing: precisely locates targets and speeds recovery
Notch Discrimination: Modify discrimination patterns based on what you are seeking.
Five Search Modes (plus Pinpoint)
Eight (8) Sensitivity/Depth adjustments
Coin Depth Indicator determines target depth
Includes revised Target ID legend and Mode/Discrimination patterns to better suit the search needs of international users.
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